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For over one hundred years, the parish of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd has ministered to the people of Shelton and the surrounding communities.


It is a parish where some of its communicants have arrived in Shelton recently, and others whose forbearers were here at the founding of the city. It is a parish whose welcome is as wide as the front door, and it is eager to share the journey of Christ’s people.

"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away–and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me..."


John 10:10-14

In addition to our regular Zoom service, we have resumed  in-person liturgy



Holy Eucharist or
Morning Prayer (followed by Holy Eucharist)
begins at 10:00AM
For information about joining our concurrent
online Zoom services on Sunday mornings, 


please contact Elaine Witalis at:




Please check out our Recorded Homilies/Sermons page!
We've added a link to audio and video files of the week's homily/sermon.

Little Free Pantry!
The Little Free Pantry at the Church of the Good Shepherd
officially opened on Saturday, April 16, 2022!

It's located at the back of the church and available to anyone who needs it. If you need some, take some - if you have some, leave some!
We hope for  the support and involvement of the community to make the Little Free Pantry a success!

Please see the Little Free Pantry  under
the "
Stewardship" page for additional information.
Latest News

Home is about connection and Good Shepherd welcomes you to become a part of our community of Faith as we seek to empower ourselves in Christ, both as individuals and as church. We meet Christ in community by worshiping, eating, and playing together. We grow stronger as people as we journey the spiritual path together. In the mystery of Sacrament we touch, hold, and taste the very Presence of Christ each Sunday. Are you looking for a spiritual home that will empower you, be there for you when you need someone, and provide a strong refuge in uncertain times? Then come on by and check us out!


We are a Spirit-filled community combining the richness of tradition with the gift of openness as we seek to know Christ, to love Christ and

to make Christ Known.



10:00AM In-Person or on Zoom

Holy Eucharist/Morning Prayer

followed by Holy Eucharist




Our ministries have a three level focus: local, national, and world wide.


Locally we support...

Nationally we support...

World wide we support...


A guide...

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